Notion Markdown Cheat Sheet


MarkdownNotion Element
#Heading 1
##Heading 2
###Heading 3

Font Style#

MarkdownNotion Element

Content Formatting#

MarkdownNotion Element
- [x] Completed task
- [ ] Incomplete task
- [ ] Another todo
Task List
1. First item
2. Second item
3. Third item
Ordered List
- First item
- Second item
- Third item
Bullet List
> quoteBlockquote
[Link Text](url)Link
![Image Description](imageurl)Image
 "key": "value",
 "key": "value"
Code Block


For example, the following markdown will produce the result below.

# Here is a heading
We have many things to do:
- [x] Write some markdown
- [ ] Feed the llamas
- [ ] Sweep the chimneys
And we should do them in this order:
1. Sweep
2. Feed
![Happy Llama](url)

Example Result#

Here is a heading

We have many things to do:

  • Write some markdown
  • Feed the llamas
  • Sweep the chimneys

And we should do them in this order:

  1. Sweep
  2. Feed

Happy Llama