
Credentials are the secrets associated with a user account for a given App that allow Rollout to make requests on behalf of that account. Each Credential is identified by a unique credentialKey and has a data property, which contains the credential secrets.

Credential Data#

The shape of the data property is dictated by connector's auth definition and can contain any data that can be then accessed when working with credentials of given connector. The content is always stored encrypted in Rollout database.

Collecting Credentials#

Rollout UI components like AutomationCreator render user interface which allows users to add, select and delete credentials for selected app. A standalone CredentialInput component is also available, which allows users to manage the credentials outside of context of automation setup.

Getting Credentials via API#

Credentials can be also requested from Rollout via an API and be used outside of Rollout. For connectors provided by Rollout, credentials returned from the API are guaranteed to be valid for at least next 5 minutes. See the REST API reference for credential endpoints.