BonzoBonzo / New Task

appKey: bonzo
triggerKey: new-task

Event Payload Properties

The following properties can be referenced when an event occurs:
idIDnumber | null
prospectIdProspect IDnumber | null
ownerIdOwner IDnumber | null
businessIdBusiness IDnumber | null
assigneeIdAssignee IDnumber | null
isConversationalistIs Conversationalistboolean | null
eventIdEvent IDnumber | null
typeTypestring | null
frequencyFrequencystring | null
priorityPrioritynumber | null
dateDatestring | null
timeTimestring | null
titleTitlestring | null
detailsDetailsstring | null
remindBeforeRemind Beforenumber | null
calendarSyncCalendar Syncboolean | null
lengthLengthnumber | null
notificationChannelsNotification Channelsstring | null
completedAtCompleted Atstring | null
createdAtCreated Atstring | null
updatedAtUpdated Atstring | null
assigneeNameAssignee Namestring | null
assigneeEmailAssignee Emailstring | null
assigneePhoneAssignee Phonestring | null
prospectFullNameProspect Full Namestring | null
prospectEmailProspect Emailstring | null
prospectPhoneProspect Phonestring | null
prospectAvatarProspect Avatarstring | null
ownerNameOwner Namestring | null
ownerEmailOwner Emailstring | null
ownerPhoneOwner Phonestring | null
ownerAvatarOwner Avatarstring | null